Next Generation EU – the Role of National Parliaments
On 19 October 2020 at 17:00-19:00 CEST, the Open European Dialogue offered its first OED120 Policy Deep-Dive of the season to discuss the role of national parliaments in the Next Generation EU package negotiations.
This call was initiated by network member Damian Boeselager, MEP (Germany).
The 120-minute Zoom dialogue enabled parliamentarians to explore:
- the different national priorities for the Next Generation EU package;
- the involvement of national parliaments in administering the funds;
- the possible scenarios for implementation.
Participants were joined by Damian Boeselager, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur on the Recovery and Resilience Facility, and Hans Kundnani, Senior Research Fellow at Chatham House’s Europe Program.
The OED120 Policy Deep-Dive format allows parliamentarians to receive a concise briefing, ask questions to an expert and discuss, with colleagues, a narrowly defined topic during a 120-minute video call. The OED provides professional facilitation to extract the most value out of the discussions. Policymakers get the chance to share their perspectives with their colleagues, while having topic expertise on hand for questions and clarifications. Topics are chosen as they emerge through other network activities as ripe for a more in-depth discussion, or they are suggested by members of the network, or flagged by the network of OED researchers and experts. MP network members can initiate these calls and volunteer their expertise on a topic of their choosing.