Policymakers as Architects of the Future // Highlights from the 8th Open European Dialogue
From 6-8 October, 51 members of parliament from across 28 different countries and representing a wide variety of political voices spent three days together in Helsinki at the 8th Annual Policymakers Dialogue “Architects of the Future: European Policymaking in Times of Uncertainty, Technological Disruption and Societal Adaptation”.
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How Can Parliaments Best Support Ukraine? Highlights from our Interparliamentary Lab
On 12 September, policymakers from 11 parliaments took part in the first Open European Dialogue Interparliamentary Lab “War in Ukraine: Collaboration Initiatives for Parliaments”. The Lab represents a continued pan-European cross-party effort to develop improved coordination and strategic exchange of parliamentary responses to the ongoing war in Ukraine.
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Parliamentary Dialogue on the War in Ukraine: Navigating the In-between
On the 7-8th of July, in the context of our Open European Dialogue Future Workshop, 19 Members of Parliament from 15 countries came together in Warsaw to discuss the implications of the war in Ukraine across Europe, consider possible future scenarios for the evolution of the war, as well as explore cooperation opportunities.
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