7 December 2021

MP Open Call: Your Direct Line to Europe’s Policymakers #13

The OED is committed to strengthening dialogue between policymakers across Europe by providing a neutral, informal, and accessible space for conversation. Our monthly, online MP Open Calls grew out of this mission and are a space for parliamentarians to set the agenda, discuss pressing national and European issues, and support each other by sharing best practices and concerns.

Our call was joined by three parliamentarians from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, and Sweden. These were joined by Adnan Ćerimagić, Senior Analyst at the European Stability Initiative in Berlin. The call revolved around the recent international attention directed to institutional crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as on the impact of the role of member states in shaping the EU’s policies towards the Western Balkans.

Our activities are for Open European Dialogue network members only. Not a network member yet? Find out more.

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Highlights from the Conversation
21 December 2021
Highlights from the Conversation
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