Truth or Tale? Fact-Checking, Disinformation and Fake News in European and National Election Campaigns
Taking place in Barcelona on 2-3 May, 2019, this workshop has been co-organized by the Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB) and the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in the framework of the Mercator European Dialogue.
Today, the proliferation of fake news is a top concern among Europeans. According to the “Flash Eurobarometer on Fake News and Online Disinformation”, published by the European Commission in March 2018, 83% of respondents think that fake news represent a danger to democracy. This activity provided a selected number of members of our network with the opportunity to discuss the policy challenges related to disinformation in electoral campaigns and the role politicians have in improving the quality of political communication, especially when it comes to debating European affairs in national parliaments. Participants explored ways to encourage more truthful and reality-based discussions, increasing interaction with voters and thus contributing to a healthier democratic system. The dynamic format of the event allowed for direct exchange between participants, lively Q&As and room for active participation.
You can read the full story of the event and other related materials below.
Today, the proliferation of fake news is a top concern among Europeans. Members of network come in to discuss fact-checking, disinformation, and fake news in the context of the upcoming European Parliament elections and beyond.