Threat Perceptions and Scenarios for European Security and Defense
On 10 July 2018, Open European Dialogue network members from 10 EU and non-EU states met during the NATO Summit in Brussels to discuss the security challenges facing Europe today.
On the sidelines of this summer’s NATO Summit, Open European Dialogue network member MPs from Sweden, France, Latvia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Romania, and Poland met to discuss how their individual states and the European Union perceive threats to their security. Different visions of European security were laid out, paying special attention to the role of European-level institutions and NATO. Experts included Maciej Popowski, Director General for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Minhea Motoc, Deputy Head of the European Political Strategy Center, General Michail Kostrakos, Chairman of the EU Military Committee, and Stefanie Babst, Head of the Strategic Analysis Capability at NATO.
MPs represented states from a variety of geographical regions that face very different threats. The OED Threat Perceptions workshop allowed network members to candidly share concerns with colleagues across both regional and political divides, highlighting the wide range of security challenges that Europe faces today. Discussions included challenges and opportunity for the Common Security and Defense Policy, relations between the EU and NATO, and the importance of strategic communications in communicating and implementing defense strategies.
To see the outcomes report and other material visit the event linked below.