Information Warfare: Parliamentary Perspectives and Resistance Strategies
Information Warfare: Parliamentary Perspectives and Resistance Strategies with Carl Miller
On December 11th, 13 policymakers from across Europe engaged with each other, analysing the timely and challenging issue of information warfare and the parliamentary resistance strategies. Building on insights from September’s OED9 in Zagreb, where 47 policymakers explored the interplay of conflict and information, this OED120 Policy Deep-dive responded to the network’s call for deeper engagement into the topic. Led by renowned experts Carl Miller and Klimentini Diakomanoli, the discussion examined the existential threats information warfare poses to democracy and the strategies parliaments can deploy to resist these threats.
This OED120 Policy Deep-dive is organized in partnership with The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP). The two-hour meeting is a closed-door cross-party and cross-border conversation, held under the Open European Dialogue’s House Rules.
The OED120 Policy Deep-Dive format allows parliamentarians to receive a concise briefing, ask questions to an expert and discuss, with colleagues, a narrowly defined topic during a 120-minute video call. The OED provides professional facilitation to extract the most value out of the discussions. Policymakers get the chance to share their perspectives with their colleagues while having topic expertise on hand for questions and clarifications.
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